Enga Province extends condolences to the family of Captain Dick Lang, the Australian bush pilot who lost his life in early January in the Australian bushfires.
Dick Lang passed away while fighting bushfires near his home on Kangaroo Island in South Australia. He was with his son, Clayton Lang, a prominent Adelaide surgeon, who was also killed when the blaze surrounded the pair.
Enga Governor Sir Peter Ipatas said, “Captain Dick Lang was a good friend to me personally and to Enga Province as a whole. His warmth, generosity and his genuine appreciation for Enga’s culture and its people has endeared him to us forever. The news of his passing has been received with great sorrow in our province."
“Dick Lang had been bringing tour groups to the Enga Cultural Show since it was very new, in the 1990’s. He was also a regular donor to our cultural show society and was passionate about helping us to preserve the authenticity of our culture to share with others."

Thanks to Dick Lang, hundreds of Australians have been exposed to the wonders of our culture not just in Enga, but all over PNG, throughout the decades since the 1970’s when he began conducting his PNG Air Safari tours.
Captain Lang is an example of the deep friendship we have with Australia. Our province has been able to develop, and our people have benefitted, through our long and historic friendships and on-going partnerships with Australia.
Enga’ teachers’ college, nursing college, community health centres and many more development projects have taken place through support from the Australian Government.
The loss of Dick Lang has brought the tragedy of the Australian bushfires home to us in Enga and the provincial goverment has added its contribution of K300,000 to the bushfire appeal being organised by the PNG Australia Alumni Association.